

I used the template from this video. The rivets are thumb tacks with the sharp end ground off. For the rust I mixed red, orange, brown, and gold and painted it into the needed areas. The weathering is black paint mixed with water. I covered everything in the black wash and wiped off what wasn't dry after 15 minutes.


The shoulders, knees, and wrist cuff were patterned out of builder's paper. All rivets on these are googly eyes. The chain for the wrist cuff is made from eva dowels.


For the core, I cut one circle out of wood and two out of cardboard, then, sandwiched them together. For the shield pattern I drew it on builder's paper. I then cut two copies out of eva foam. To put everything together, I bolted through pvc pipe, into the back part of foam, then the core. Next, I repeated the process with a belt. Afterward I glued the front piece of foam on and covered the exposed bolts with foam spikes. The edge banding is made of 2mm foam.


The flail started as a styrofoam ball. I then made a pattern of the ball and used it to cover the ball in eva foam. The spikes are cones glued through the eva into the styrofoam. The chain is worbla put together link by link. It's anchored by a metal hook epoxied and screwed inside of the pvc pipe. I also back filled the pvc pipe with worbla for extra stability.


The tunic has been replaced with one made of linen since this picture. The surcoat is suiting and is held to the tunic by the belt. The pants were made by making a pattern off a pair of sweat pants.

The conqueror is one of my favorite cosplays. I hand painted everything on this and liked the armor combined with fabric bits.